Permit & Amendment Fees (FY 2024 / 2025)

Trade Promotion Lotteries / Games of Chance

Permit and amendment fees are calculated on the total retail value of prizes to be distributed within a promotion.

Please note:

  • Permits are not required for VIC, TAS, WA or QLD.
  • Permits in the NT are only required for promotions valued at $5,001+ and where no other State/Territory has issued a permit for said promotion.
  • Permit fees are non-refundable.
  • ACT & SA Permit fees are GST exempt.
New South Wales (NSW)

An authority is required to conduct any promotion in NSW with a total prize pool exceeding $10,000. The Authority will apply to any such promotions conducted for its duration, which can be between 1-5 years depending on the fee paid.  NSW fees increased on 1/07/2024.

Authority Fee/s
1 Year Authority $458 ($460.01 inc GST & CC surcharge)
3 Year Authority $705 ($708.10 inc GST & CC surcharge)
5 Year Authority $953 ($957.19 inc GST & CC surcharge)

A breakdown of these fees can be found on the NSW Fair Trading Website

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

You do not require a permit in ACT if the total prize pool (for ACT residents) is $3,000 or less.  *ACT fees increased on 1/07/2024.

Total Prize Pool Value Permit Fee/s
$3,000 – $5,000 $247
$5,001 – $10,000 $361
$10,001 – $50,000 $696
$50,001 – $100,000 $995
$100,001 – $200,000 $1,988
$200,001 + $3,987


South Australia (SA)  

You do not require a permit in SA if the total prize pool is valued at  $5,000 or less and the draw is conducted electronically or manually. If the there is an instant win element a permit will be required regardless of the total prize pool value. The SA Lottery Department has a system in force where you have the option to: (a) elect to pay a premium permit fee and request to have the permit number issued within 5 working days; or (b) elect to pay the standard permit fee and have the permit number issued within 14 working days. Please note that if further information is required by the SA Lottery Department regarding the promotion, or if the application is incomplete in any way, the Lottery Department may not be able to issue within the 5 day period. If this is the case, a refund will not be issued. This is a risk that is taken by you when paying the premium fee.  *SA fees increased on 1/07/2024.

Total Prize Pool Value Standard Fee/s Premium Fee/s
$0 – $10,000 $245 $491
$10,001 – $50,000 $900 $1,804
$50,001 – $100,000 $1,575 $3,144
$100,001 – $200,000 $2,701 $5,399
$200,001 + $4,952 $9,906


Amendment Fees  
ACT $72 /$139

$72 for promotions with a prize pool < than or = to $5,000

$139 for promotions with a prize pool > than or = to $5,001

SA $81 for any amendment made to the permit application, regardless of prize pool value